DIY Lollipop Kits


This is your chance to spend around half an hour having fun with your little person and chocolate. What more could you want?!

Nenette Chocolates’ DIY Chocolate Lollipop kits each contain everything that you need to make 4 chocolate lollipops. Inside your pack, you will find 100g of delicious milk chocolate buttons – this is the same 40% dark milk chocolate that I use for all my milk chocolate treats everywhere else in this website. I also provide a pack of mini marshmallows to decorate the finished lollipops, 4 lollipop sticks, a sheet of cellophane for you to set the lollipops onto and of course the all-important instructions.

The instructions tell you everything you need to know to handmade your own chocolate lollipops – including how to temper chocolate! But don’t panic, if it doesn’t work out for you this time, just slide the lollipops into the fridge to set at the end.

Weight 0.100 kg